Monday, August 8, 2016: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
Grand Floridian Blrm C, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center
Brenda Gail Bergman
Michelle L. Stevens
Ricardo Rozzi
Frank K. Lake
Jean Polfus
Caleb R. Hickman
Serra Hoagland
Panelists will explore practical examples of how traditional knowledge can interface with and contribute to the study and management of novel ecosystems, including:
- How and why knowledge generated in traditional ways can contribute to the practice of ecological science in the Anthropocene, with Klamath-Siskiyou examples (Frank Lake).
- How historic ecology, traditional management practice, and social memory can maintain resiliency in cultural and ecological systems (Michelle Stevens).
- How traditional knowledge can enhance wildlife management and action plans in the context of novel ecosystems, with Cherokee examples (Caleb Hickman).
- How traditional knowledge and ecological science can be combined to improve modern forest management, based on a review of the Indian Forest Management Assessment Team (Serra Hoagland).
- How art can be employed as a language to foster connections between people of different worldviews, animals, and ecosystems to advance earth stewardship in an era of rapid change, with examples from the Northwest Territories (Jean Polfus).
See more of: Special Sessions