Sunday, August 7, 2016: 12:00 PM-5:00 PM
316, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center
Cailin Huyck Orr
Meghann E. Jarchow
Ecology, environmental, and earth science courses have the opportunity to engage undergraduate students in science through addressing societal challenges including climate change, water availability issues, resource depletion, food security, and other grand challenges. Through the
InTeGrate STEP Center project, interdisciplinary teams have developed a series of teaching modules that directly address environmental grand challenges through the use of engaging activities that use authentic data and pose questions that incorporate human, environmental and geological considerations. Modular units can be adopted wholesale or in parts, and each features resources to develop students' abilities to address interdisciplinary problems, improve scientific thinking skills, make use of authentic data, and incorporate systems thinking. Materials have been developed and tested by faculty at a variety of types of institutions (2-year, 4-year and research institutions) and come with built-in assessments, and resources for instructors and students. InTeGrate materials align with high-impact practices that promote science literacy among undergraduate students. Topics include climate change, sustainable land use, environmental justice and freshwater resources. In this workshop, we will explore the InTeGrate materials, and work with participants to adapt the materials for their courses, the context of their institutional and local geographic setting, and for the needs of their students. The workshop will include presentations, small-group work time, and active discussions. Workshop participants will be asked to bring a laptop and complete a pre-workshop survey.