We propose a workshop providing activities and knowledge to help students and early career ecologists explore short- and long-term opportunities to pursue next-generation careers. Participants will hear about the experiences of ecologists who have taken diverse career paths, and engage in discussions that will address the challenges of next-generation careers while also maintaining scientific relevance. In addition, we propose to include a segment on what next-generation jobs are presently available, how to design resumes/CVs for them, and the search engines useful for finding them.
The workshop will begin with Richard Pouyat presenting on the importance of academically-trained ecologists engaging in diverse careers. Phyllis Thibodeau will then conduct a workshop to help participants clarify personal and professional goals. Next, Josh Scholl will lead an interactive segment to help participants find and apply for next-generation jobs. Next, a panel of 6-8 ecologists will discuss the challenges and opportunities for ecologists in a variety of fields before engaging students more directly in break-out groups. The workshop will conclude with a facilitated discussion about what ESA can do to help participants find and pursue diverse career paths.
Registration Fee: $25