Monday, August 8, 2016: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
304, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center
Diego A. Sotomayor
Amanda Liczner
Alessandro Filazzola
Christopher Lortie
Tracking the consequences of environmental change requires information on both the physical and biological characteristics of ecological systems. Large-scale environmental data are now widely available from many data repositories. However, these data sets often need to be down-scaled in order to be paired with local ecological measurements. Hence, micro-environmental sensors are sometimes useful to integrate scales of ecological information relevant to global change. In this workshop, we will demonstrate the use of all major affordable types of micro-environmental sensors available to collect fine-scale environmental data. Using the R environment, we will also provide the means to analyze these data and also to integrate this information with ecological data and macro-environmental data streams. The overall purpose of this workshop is to provide attendees with hands on experience on the use of automated sensors of micro-environmental variables, their appropriate deployment in the field in relation to ecological questions, and an introduction to the integration of micro-scale data to larger environmental datasets. This workshop will also serve to launch MicroNet. This is an open-source, collaborative network of micro-environmental sensors deployed globally.