Thursday, August 11, 2016: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
315, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center
Kimberly J. La Pierre
Sally E. Koerner
James Olds
Alan Wilson
Timothy K. Kratz
Obtaining funding is a critical component of successful science. However, discussions about the internal structure of large funding agencies are not common in graduate education. Thus, many early career ecologists are unclear how the funding process works at a time when funding is imperative. Sponsored by the Early Career and Researchers at Undergraduate Institutions sections, this workshop will explain the inner workings of the National Science Foundation (NSF), one of the flagship funding agencies for ecologists. The 1.75 hour lunch workshop will begin with three short presentations (approximately 15 minutes each) by NSF employees. First, the Assistant Director of the Biological Sciences Directorate (BIO), James Olds, will provide an overview of the structure of NSF. Next, rotating program director Alan Wilson will discuss how early career ecologists can get involved as panel reviewers and rotating program officers. Finally, the program director for NEON, Tim Kratz, will discuss how NSF is evolving with the introduction of NEON and how early career ecologists can get in on the ground floor. These presentations will be followed by a 1-hour panel discussion with Olds, Wilson, and Kratz answering audience questions. Given the current funding climate, it is critical that all ecologists know how major granting agencies work in order to have the best chance of receiving funding. This workshop will provide early career ecologists with information on NSF’s structure, new directions, and how they can get involved to ensure they can make the most of the funding opportunities NSF presents.