Wednesday, August 10, 2016: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Grand Floridian Blrm E, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center
Jessica Gurevitch
Gordon A. Fox
Norma L. Fowler
Norma L. Fowler
Landscape demography is the study of heterogeneity in the demographic properties of populations and their drivers across landscapes, and how the relationships among these properties and their drivers influence demographic outcomes at other scales. This new concept builds on a rich tradition of work on heterogeneity and scale in ecological processes. This session has the potential to crystallize this new area of research and bring it to the attention of a wider group of ecologists by gathering a diversity of participants working in this area on a diversity of systems.
Demographic studies encompass applied and fundamental ecological questions, driven by policy and management (immunizations, invasions) and by curiosity. While most demographic studies in ecology have focused on a single population or a small number of populations, demographic processes and their drivers are heterogeneous and vary across spatial scales. Unfortunately, extrapolating from information about the demography of single populations will often not tell us what we most want to know. The dynamics of an ensemble of populations over a landscape or region are likely to depend on the collective dynamics of many local populations, and demographic properties and outcomes may vary across scales in ways that are not currently well understood. Some of the most critical dynamics may occur at the larger spatial scales of landscapes and regions, as well as across multiple spatial scales. The study of demographic processes across populations and at different scales can address questions that individual studies of local populations cannot, potentially yielding important new insights into a number of critical ecological questions. This new conceptual focus of landscape demography differs from that of metapopulation ecology in a number of important ways. Landscape demography focuses on heterogeneity in demographic characteristics and their drivers among populations and across spatial scales, while metapopulation studies are concerned largely with patch occupancy, and do not focus on demography or on demographic variation at different scales.
We believe that the approach offered by landscape demography will be of broad interest to ESA attendees with both fundamental and conservation expertise, and will stimulate the development of theory, empirical work, and new areas of inquiry. Landscape demography may provide quantitative predictions for many important phenomena, including biological invasions, declines in threatened or endangered species, range shifts of native or invasive species in response to climate change, and natural heterogeneity and fluctuations in numbers and distributions of populations over time.
2:10 PM
Environmental drivers of demographic variation across the global geographical range of 26 plant species
Martina Treurnicht, Stellenbosch University, University of Hohenheim;
Jörn Pagel, University of Hohenheim;
Karen Esler, Center for Invasion Biology, South Africa, Stellenbosch University;
AnneLise Schutte-Vlok, CapeNature, University of Johannesburg;
Henning Nottebrock, South Dakota State University;
Tineke Kraaij, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University;
Anthony G. Rebelo, South African National Biodiversity Institute;
Frank M. Schurr, University of Hohenheim