COS 38
Aquatic Ecology: Streams And Rivers

Tuesday, August 11, 2015: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
301, Baltimore Convention Center
1:50 PM
Effects of the nuisance alga Didymosphenia geminata on benthic food web structure and resource use
Natalie E. Knorp, Tennessee Technological University; Justin N. Murdock, Tennessee Technological University
2:10 PM
Evaluating methods to establish habitat suitability criteria: A case study in the Upper Delaware River Basin, USA
Carrie J. Blakeslee, USGS - Leetown Science Center; Heather S. Galbraith, USGS - Leetown Science Center; Kelly O. Maloney, USGS - Leetown Science Center; Jeffrey C. Cole, USGS - Leetown Science Center; Colin Talbert, U.S. Geological Survey
2:30 PM
Fishing and drought impacts on size spectra of fish assemblages in Amazon Rivers
Nidia N, Fabré, Federal University of Alagoas; Leandro Castello, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Victoria Isaac, Universidade Federal do Pará; Vandick da Silva Batista, Universidade Federal de Alagoas
2:50 PM
Compositional dynamics of the macroinvertebrate community in a Missouri prairie stream
Jessica M. Warwick, University of Missouri; Robert W. Sites, University of Missouri
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
The effects of urbanization on aquatic insect communities in low order streams in Binghamton, NY
Matthew J. Lundquist, State University of New York - Binghamton; Weixing Zhu, Binghamton University (SUNY)
4:00 PM
Determining the influence of substrate heterogeneity on the measurement and transport of environmental DNA (eDNA) using Notre Dame’s Linked Ecosystem Experimental Facility (ND-LEEF)
Arial Shogren, University of Notre Dame; Jennifer L. Tank, University of Notre Dame; Diogo Bolster, University of Notre Dame; Christopher Jerde, University of Nevada Reno; Scott P. Egan, Rice University; Carol Tanner, University of Notre Dame; Steven Ruggiero, University of Notre Dame
4:20 PM
Impact of hydrologic change on the riparian vegetation dynamics of the Minnesota River basin
Christian F. Lenhart, University of Minnesota; Laura Triplett, University of Minneosota; Rachel E. Rausch, University of Minnesota; Karen B. Gran, University of Minnesota-Duluth; Justin Fasching, University of Minnesota; Virginia Batts, University of Minnesota-Duluth
4:40 PM
Rules of thumb for prioritizing barrier removals emerging from comprehensive analysis of great lakes tributaries
Allison T. Moody, University of Wisconsin; Thomas M. Neeson, University of Wisconsin; Margaret Q. Guyette, University of Wisconsin; Matthew W. Diebel, Wisconsin DNR Bureau of Science Services; Matt Herbert, The Nature Conservancy; Mary Khoury, The Nature Conservancy; Eugene Yacobson, The Nature Conservancy; Patrick J. Doran, The Nature Conservancy; Michael Ferris, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jesse O'Hanley, University of Kent; Peter B. McIntyre, University of Wisconsin
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