PS 44
Sustainability: Agriculture/Forestry

Wednesday, August 12, 2015: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall, Baltimore Convention Center
How many humans can the earth support?
Ned Fetcher, Wilkes University
Biochar and compost: Recycling between Chesapeake poultry and corn production while mitigating nutrient leaching losses
Amy Teller, Brown University; Rebecca Ryals, Brown University; Stephen Porder, Brown University
Weed control through the enhancement of beneficial ground-dwelling invertebrates
Jeffrey J. Law, Daemen College; Robert Gallagher, Thornwell Home for Children; Tomás A. Carlo, The Pennsylvania State University; Timothy W. Leslie, Long Island University
Indirect benefits of an ant-hemipteran mutualism in a coffee agroecosystem: Scale-tending ants attack the coffee berry borer
Iris S. Rivera-Salinas, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo; Esteli Jimenez-Soto, University of California Santa Cruz; Stacy M. Philpott, University of California, Santa Cruz; Juan Antonio Cruz-Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
What causes effects of early summer harvesting on restored grassland productivity: An investigation of interactions between functional groups
Bradley L. Watson, University of Nebraska Omaha; Katherine L. Gross, Michigan State University; Karen A. Stahlheber, Michigan State University; Ryan Disney, Northwestern; Timothy L. Dickson, University of Nebraska Omaha
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