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How to Get the Most Out of ESA’s 2015 Annual Meeting: An Orientation for Student and First Time Attendees
How to Get the Most Out of ESA’s 2015 Annual Meeting: An Orientation for Student and First Time Attendees
Monday, August 10, 2015: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
331, Baltimore Convention Center
Dane C. Ward
- what is new and exciting at the Centennial Meeting
- how to network with colleagues and peers
- how to approach professors without feeling intimidated
- how to select talks to attend
- great talks to attend
- how to navigate Baltimore
The session targets first-time meeting attendees but advice and discussion opportunities are relevant to all meeting participants. After a brief presentation on the aforementioned topics, the session will feature a panel of seasoned ESA meeting attendees who will provide tips from their experiences. A panel discussion will ensue. We will then break into smaller groups and facilitate the development of “meeting game plans” to ensure that everyone can have a successful meeting experience.
See more of: Special Sessions