WK 54
Going ‘On the Grid’: The Impacts of Point-to-Pixel Conversion Methods on Uncertainty in Spatial Data
Going ‘On the Grid’: The Impacts of Point-to-Pixel Conversion Methods on Uncertainty in Spatial Data
Thursday, August 13, 2015: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
311, Baltimore Convention Center
Leah A. Wasser
Claire K. Lunch
Natalie Robinson
Katherine M. Thibault
Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of various point-to-pixel conversion methods (interpolators and other gridding methods), how to interpret the resulting pixel values, how to perform basic raster math, and some of the key questions we should ask ourselves before creating a seamless grid from a point-based dataset. We will highlight the fundamentals of gridding using open source tools such as QGIS, python and R.
Registration Fee: $0
See more of: Workshops