OOS 91
Agroecosystems and Processes of Global Change
Friday, August 14, 2015: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
337, Baltimore Convention Center
Nathaniel Mueller
Ethan E. Butler
Ethan E. Butler
Agricultural systems are tasked with producing more food, fiber, and fuel for a growing population, supporting livelihoods and development, and decreasing environmental impacts. Agroecology informs pathways to address these coupled challenges by improving our understanding of global environmental change and its impacts, developing approaches to increase resilience and adapt to change, and revealing tradeoffs with varied management practices.
Understanding the coupling between abiotic and biotic systems is critically important in a world with rapid environmental change, and this session will predominantly focus on connections between the physical environment and agroecosystems across the world. We bring together a diverse array of scholars working to understand these connections using a combination of field studies, models, and data synthesis. Primary topics include climate change and variability, agricultural water use in a changing climate, nutrient cycling in temperate and tropical agroecosystems, greenhouse gas emissions from global agriculture, and the tradeoffs between organic and conventional management practices.
8:20 AM
N2O emissions in southeastern Amazonia: The effect of agricultural intensification
Christine S. O'Connell, University of California, Berkeley;
Paulo M. Brando, Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM);
Carlos Eduardo Cerri, University of São Paulo;
Michael T. Coe, Woods Hole Research Center;
Eric Davidson, University of Maryland;
Gillian Galford, University of Vermont;
Marcia N. Macedo, Woods Hole Research Center;
Christopher Neill, Marine Biological Laboratory;
Rodney Venterea, US Dept. of Agriculture
8:40 AM
Agro-climatic forecasts for managing risk in Colombian rice cropping systems
Sharon Gourdji, CIAT- Centro Internacional para la Agricultura Tropical;
Diana C. Giraldo Mendez, CIAT- Centro Internacional para la Agricultura Tropical;
Camilo Barrios, CIAT- Centro Internacional para la Agricultura Tropical;
Jefferson Rodriguez Espinosa, CIAT- Centro Internacional para la Agricultura Tropical;
David Arango, CIAT- Centro Internacional para la Agricultura Tropical;
Lizeth Llanos, CIAT- Centro Internacional para la Agricultura Tropical;
Andy Jarvis, CIAT- Centro Internacional para la Agricultura Tropical
9:50 AM
Greenhouse gas emissions from global agriculture
Kimberly M. Carlson, University of Minnesota;
Paul C. West, University of Minnesota;
Justin Johnson, University of Minnesota;
Petr Havlik, International Institute for Applied Systems;
Mario Herrero, CSIRO;
James S. Gerber, University of Minnesota;
Nathaniel Mueller, Harvard University;
Christine S. O'Connell, University of California, Berkeley
11:10 AM
OOS 91-10