OOS 49
A Century of Structured Population Models in Ecology

Wednesday, August 12, 2015: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
316, Baltimore Convention Center
Hal Caswell
André M. de Roos
Michael Neubert
The understanding of population dynamics requires a link from the individual (which lives, dies, grows, develops, moves, and reproduces) to the population, whose changes in “distribution and abundance” are the basis of ecological and eco-evolutionary dynamics. The properties of the individual that are relevant to population dynamics change as the individual moves through its life cycle. For a century, population biologists have developed and applied increasingly sophisticated mathematical tools for analyzing structured populations (i.e., populations in which individuals are differentiated by their place in the life cycle). This session includes talks on some of the major frameworks (matrix population models, physiologically structured models, integral projections) applied to population dynamics. Along with historical perspectives and presentation of new developments in theory and methodology, the session will feature applications to conservation, evolution, climate change, invasive species, and fisheries.
2:10 PM
Impacts of cohort and maternal effects mediated by body size on population growth and fitness in Windermere pike: An integral projection model
Yngvild Vindenes, University of Oslo; Øystein Langangen, University of Oslo; Ian J. Winfield, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; L. Asbjørn Vøllestad, University of Oslo
2:30 PM
Details of mate finding drive dynamics of sex-structured invasions
Allison Shaw, University of Minnesota; Hanna Kokko, University of Zurich; Michael G. Neubert, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2:50 PM
Division rates of a marine cyanobacterium from cell size distributions and a matrix population model
Kristen R. Hunter-Cevera, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Heidi M. Sosik, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Michael G. Neubert, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Andrew R. Solow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Alexi Shalapyonok, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Robert J. Olson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Intraspecific variation in response to climate drives population patterns and dynamics
William K. Petry, University of California at Irvine, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory; Thomas Miller, Rice University; Judith D. Soule, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory; Kailen A. Mooney, University of California, Ivine
4:00 PM
Age- versus size-structured populations: The ecological distinction and its importance for fisheries
Anieke Van Leeuwen, Princeton University; Judith Ament, University of Cape Town; André M. de Roos, University of Amsterdam
4:20 PM
Differences in response to environmental variability across Pacific salmon species
Lauren Yamane, UC Davis; Louis W. Botsford, University of California, Davis; Alan Hastings, University of California, Davis