A Fresh Look at Conservation Science: Students Applying Ecology to Address Societal Challenges

Wednesday, August 12, 2015: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall, Baltimore Convention Center
Heather M. Leslie
Paul R. Armsworth
The goal of this organized poster session is to provide a venue for students engaged in conservation science and applied ecology to showcase their work. Since its beginnings, the Ecological Society of America has been a leading force in supporting and translating science that can make a difference in the real world. Conservation science is an emerging interdisciplinary field that explicitly recognizes the close and substantial connections between ecosystems and human systems and the imperative for scientists to engage in creating solutions to environmental challenges. While it draws on an array of natural and social sciences, conservation science has particularly strong roots in ecology. In the last two decades, ESA has shown consistent leadership in developing this field, first with the Sustainable Biosphere Initiative and most recently, with the Earth Stewardship Initiative. ESA’s Rapid Response Team is another outstanding example of ESA’s work in translating science into action. However, often for very good reasons, such efforts tend to be led by senior ecologists, rather than students. This session will highlight student perspectives on conservation science and applied ecology and also provide participants with a networking opportunity that transcends particular study systems, geographies, and institutional affiliations. Posters will be presented within one of four themes: terrestrial conservation; marine and freshwater conservation; ecosystem functioning, resilience and restoration; and theory to inform conservation. We encourage all interested members to attend, and to share impressions of the posters and the role of conservation science and scientists within ESA through live tweeting at #ESAConSci.
The true cost of conservation investments: The opportunity cost of financing land protection
Rachel Fovargue, University of Tennessee Knoxville; Paul R. Armsworth, University of Tennessee; Joseph E. Fargione, The Nature Conservancy
Relationship between plot and species range geometry impacts species richness and extinction
Cody Weinberger, University of Michigan, The University of Chicago; Annette Ostling, University of Michigan
Density-dependent maturation regulates overcompensation and increases persistence in harvested populations
Vadim Karatayev, University of Guelph; Clifford E. Kraft, Cornell University; Elise Zipkin, Michigan State University
Quantifying Lake Michigan coastal wetland-nearshore linkages for sustaining sport fishes using stable isotope mixing models
Katherine O'Reilly, University of Notre Dame; Amelia McReynolds, University of Notre Dame; Craig Stricker, USGS; Gary A. Lamberti, University of Notre Dame
The time path of investments for the management of protected area
Diane Le Bouille, University of Tennessee; Paul R. Armsworth, University of Tennessee; Gwen D. Iacona, University of Queensland
Adaptive management and climate change impacts for the endangered Karner Blue butterfly
Lainey Pasternak, University of Notre Dame; Jessica J. Hellmann, University of Notre Dame; Ralph Grundel, U.S. Geological Survey; Noel B. Pavlovic, U.S. Geological Survey
Basic science for meadow restoration in the Oregon Coast Range
Braden T. Elliott, Dartmouth College; Nicholas J. Reo, Dartmouth College
Spatio-temporal variation in the diversity of target species in Baja California Sur, Mexico
Kara E. Pellowe-Wagstaff, Brown University; Heather M. Leslie, Brown University
Anchor damage negatively impacts coral reefs in the British Virgin Islands
Rebecca L. Flynn, University of Rhode Island; Graham E. Forrester, University of Rhode Island; Lianna Jarecki, Guana Science; Linda M. Forrester, University of Rhode Island; Jessica Perreault, University of Rhode Island
Understanding the impacts of climate change on population connectivity
Jennifer Hoey, Rutgers University; Malin L. Pinsky, Rutgers University; Kenneth W. Able, Rutgers University; F. Joel Fodrie, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Opportunities for ecology, conservation and public engagement through sea star wasting syndrome
Jenna M. Sullivan, Oregon State University; Elizabeth B. Cerny-Chipman, Oregon State University; Angela M. Johnson, Oregon State University; Bruce A. Menge, Oregon State University
Confluence network dynamics can create a spatial mosaic of predator interactions
Ryland Taylor, Kansas State University; Martha E. Mather, Kansas State University; Cristina Kennedy, Center for Coastal Studies; Joseph Smith, University of Washington; Kayla Gerber, Kansas State University
Accounting for tree species composition in landscape-scale forest carbon storage estimates
Alison B. Adams, University of Vermont; Gillian L. Galford, University of Vermont; Jennifer A. Pontius, University of Vermont
The role of birds in organic apple orchards: Opportunities for optimizing production and conservation
Anna M. Mangan, Colorado State University, USDA National Wildlife Research Center; Liba Pejchar, Colorado State University; Scott J. Werner, USDA National Wildlife Research Center
Identifying cryptic lineages within an endemic frog genus (Indirana) in the Western Ghats
Vijay Ramesh, Columbia University; Vijayakumar SP, Indian Institute of Science; Kartik Shanker, Indian Institute of Science; Trisha Gopalakrishna, Duke University
Biodiversity and ecosystem service: What is the evidence for a link?
Taylor Ricketts, University of Vermont; Keri Bryan Watson, Sewanee; Alicia Ellis, University of Vermont; Insu Koh, University of Vermont; Charles C. Nicholson, University of Vermont; Stephen Posner, University of Vermont; Leif L. Richardson, University of Vermont; Laura Sonter, University of Vermont
Management of an endemic New Zealand scarab pest (Costelytra zealandica (White, 1846)) in vineyards through understanding its behaviour
Mauricio González-Chang, Bio-Protection Research Centre, Lincoln University, New Zealand & Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity, Chile; Steve Wratten, Lincoln University, New Zealand