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PS 96
- Latebreaking: Species Interactions
Friday, August 9, 2013: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
PS 96-230
Characterizing a rare shift in the pollination mode of cottonsedge,
Eriophorum virginicum
: Wind to insects
Justin T. Meier
Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve
Peter D. Wragg
University of Minnesota
PS 96-231
Competitive interactions between
Ustilago maydis
Fusarium verticillioides
Paul Nelson
University of Minnesota
Jakob M. Riddle
University of Minnesota
Georgiana May
University of Minnesota
PS 96-232
Effects of genetic and geographic distance on mating success in the rare sandhill endemic,
Erysimum teretifolium
Miranda K. Melen
San Jose State University
Khaaliq DeJan
Santa Clara University
Julie A. Herman
Santa Clara University
Gavin Powell
Santa Clara University
Justen B. Whittall
Santa Clara University
Rachel O'Malley
San Jose State University
PS 96-233
Odd for an ericad: nocturnal visitors to
Lyonia lucida
John W. Benning
University of Minnesota
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