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PS 90
- Latebreaking: Physiology
Friday, August 9, 2013: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
PS 90-197
Depletion of non-structural carbohydrate reserves in temperate tree seedlings under stress
Andrea J. Maguire
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Richard K. Kobe
Michigan State University
PS 90-198
Developing estimators of ragweed pollen production from measurements of inflorescence size
Tiffany S. Carey
University of Michigan
PS 90-199
Kinetics of recovery from winter stress in eastern white pine (
Pinus strobus
) and white spruce (
Picea glauca
Ryan A. Merry
University of St. Thomas
Amy S. Verhoeven
University of St. Thomas
PS 90-200
Leaf trait area- and mass-proportionality between and within tropical tree species, across and within forest canopies
Jeanne L. D. Osnas
University of Florida
Jeremy Lichstein
University of Florida
Kaoru Kitajima
University of Florida
Joseph S. Wright
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Stephen Pacala
Princeton University
Peter B. Reich
University of Minnesota
Nathan Kraft
University of Maryland
PS 90-201
Responses of soybean seedlings to supplemental phenylalanine and its implications for tolerance to UV-B radiation
Alison Post
University of Maryland
Martina Gonzalez Mateu
University of Maryland
Ashlea Glickstein
University of Maryland
Katherine Warpeha
University of Illinois at Chicago
Joe H. Sullivan
University of Maryland
PS 90-202
The effects of water stress on variability in mesophyll conductance of loblolly pine (
Pinus taeda
L.) leaves
Elizabeth S. Wilson
Texas A&M University
Jason West
Texas A&M University
Jason G. Vogel
Texas A&M University - College Station
PS 90-203
Under stress conditions, anemones that host different species of algae could be choosing which symbiont they expel
Manuel A. Nieves
Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Humacao
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