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PS 83
- Latebreaking: Evolution
Friday, August 9, 2013: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
PS 83-118
Across-population variation in phosphorus limitation in triploid asexual freshwater snails (
Potamopyrgus antipodarum)
Amy C. Krist
University of Wyoming
Adam D. Kay
University of St. Thomas
Katelyn Larkin
University of Iowa
Maurine Neiman
University of Iowa
PS 83-119
Assessing niche evolution and population connectivity over glacial cycles for two Malagasy small mammals
Robert Boria
City College (CUNY)
Mariya Shcheglovitova
The George Washington University
Aleksandar Radosavljevic
City College (CUNY)
Sharon A. Jansa
University of Minnesota
Link E. Olson
University of Alaska Museum
Robert P. Anderson
City College of New York, City University of New York
PS 83-120
Comparison of functional anatomy in squid and local hydrographic and biological pressures from two different habitats -- Hawaii
uthis oualaniensis
and Monterey Bay
Doryteuthis opalescens.
Carlos M. Zayas Santiago
Univsity of Puerto Rico Humacao campus
William F. Gilly
Stanford University
PS 83-121
Experimental evidence that evolutionary relatedness does not affect ecosystem functioning in freshwater algal communities
Anita Narwani
University of Michigan
Markos Alexandrou
Wildlands Conservation Science
Todd H. Oakley
University of California
Bastian Bentlage
University of Maryland
Charles Delwiche
University of Maryland
Bradley J. Cardinale
University of Michigan
PS 83-122
Game on or off? A model of resource pre-emption by plants reveals a novel mechanism of coexistence
Gordon G. McNickle
Wilfrid Laurier University
Joel Brown
University of Illinois at Chicago
PS 83-123
Has human-mediated habitat fragmentation driven rapid genital divergence in
Gambusia spp.
inhabiting tidal creeks across The Bahamas?
Justa L. Heinen-Kay
North Carolina State University
Holly G. Noel
North Carolina State University
R. Brian Langerhans
North Carolina State University
PS 83-124
Identification of the Yellow anaconda (
Eunectes notaeus)
through the use of molecular systematics
Christina N. de Jesus-Villanueva
University of Puerto Rico
Evan Mc Cartney-Melstread
American Museum of Natural History
George Amato
American Museum of Natural History
PS 83-125
Inheritance of stress-mediated floral trait responses in
Collinsia heterophylla
Tyler J. Smith
Colorado State University
Arathi H. Seshadri
Colorado State University
PS 83-126
Phenotypic plasticity can promote sympatric speciation
Etsuko Nonaka
Umea University
PS 83-127
Trophic polymorphism and genetic structure in a population of brown bears across a coastal-inland transition zone
Diana J. R. Lafferty
Mississippi State University
Garth Mowat
Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations
David Paetkau
Wildlife Genetics International
Jerrold L. Belant
Mississippi State University
PS 83-128
Variation in salinity tolerance of Olympia oysters: Implications for restoration in the face of climate change
Jillian M. Bible
University of California Davis
Eric Sanford
University of California, Davis
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