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PS 32
- History
Wednesday, August 7, 2013: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
PS 32-5
Science in the attic: Long-term spring phenology of trees, wildflowers and birds in Northern Maine building on a forgotten journal
Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie
Colby College
Richard Primack
Boston University
Jason Clarence Johnston
University of Maine Presque Isle
PS 32-6
When and how was Ecology born, and how did we come to understand it?
Harold Balbach
PS 32-7
Historical (1800s) vegetation in Wisconsin: Mapping forests and the controlling variables
Feng Liu
Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
David J. Mladenoff
University of Wisconsin-Madison
PS 32-8
Ecosystem enhancements? Ancient aquaculture practices in British Columbia provide insights and baselines for today’s management
Amy Groesbeck
Simon Fraser University
Anne K. Salomon
Simon Fraser University
Misha Puckett
Simon Fraser University
Dana Lepofsky
Simon Fraser University
Kirsten Rowell
University of Washington
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