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PS 12
- Invasion
Monday, August 5, 2013: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
PS 12-111
A test of community saturation: Comparing vegetated plot data and null communities at multiple spatial scales in Southeastern U.S. forests
Dennis D. Tarasi
University of North Carolina
Robert K. Peet
University of North Carolina
PS 12-112
Native plant diversity and introduced earthworms have contrasting effects on the success of invasive plants
Timothy J. S. Whitfeld
University of Minnesota
Alexander M. Roth
University of Minnesota
Alexandra G. Lodge
University of Minnesota
Nico Eisenhauer
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Lee E. Frelich
University of Minnesota
Peter B. Reich
University of Minnesota
PS 12-113
Colonization strategies by
Lachnanthes caroliana
in Feral Swine Disturbed Soils
Callie D. Griffith
Brigham Young University - Idaho
Elizabeth Hermanson Boughton
Archbold Biological Station
PS 12-114
Bromus tectorum
and its relatives: Using a database to examine patterns of invasiveness and invasion in brome grasses
Sheryl Y. Atkinson
Colorado State University
Cynthia S. Brown
Colorado State University
PS 12-115
Alternative strategies of carbon-nitrogen use for native and invasive forest shrubs of the Eastern United States
In Su Jo
Syracuse University
Jason Fridley
Syracuse University
Douglas A. Frank
Syracuse University
PS 12-116
Invasive earthworm community composition linked to overstory vegetation across a climate gradient in western Minnesota
Rebecca Erickson
University of Minnesota, Morris
Angela Wipf
University of Minnesota, Morris
Peter H. Wyckoff
University of Minnesota, Morris
PS 12-117
A multi-site comparison of invasion success in
Alliaria petiolata
(garlic mustard) in urban and rural environments
Paige R. Ruppel
Ohio Wesleyan University
Laurel J. Anderson
Ohio Wesleyan University
PS 12-118
Feedbacks through time for
Microstegium vimineum
: invasion persistence or community integration?
Chelsea E. Cunard
University of Georgia
Richard Lankau
University of Georgia
PS 12-119
Agricultural land-use legacies shape plant-soil interactions: Mechanisms underlying invasive plant performance in human-modified landscapes
W. Brett Mattingly
Eastern Connecticut State University
Nicholas A. Mills
Eastern Connecticut State University
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