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PS 55
- Fire
Thursday, August 8, 2013: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
PS 55-39
Fire management impacts on carbon storage in Southwest ponderosa pine forests
Celine T. Colbert
The Pennsylvania State University
Katherine L. Martin
The Pennsylvania State University
Matthew D. Hurteau
Pennsylvania State University
PS 55-40
Effects of prescribed burning regimes and habitat on seedling abundance at the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri
Christine Steinwand
University of Missouri
Rose-Marie Muzika
University of Missouri
Angela Sokolowski
Ozark National Scenic Riverways
PS 55-41
Cultural legacies, fire ecology, and environmental change in the Stone Country of Arnhem Land and Kakadu National Park, Australia
Clay Trauernicht
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
PS 55-42
Landscape and climatic influences on size and severity of large fires on Western United States, 1984 to 2010
Zhihua Liu
South Dakota State University
Michael C. Wimberly
South Dakota State University
PS 55-43
Anthropogenic-induced vegetation and fire regime changes in the upper Great Lakes pine ecosystems
Emily E. Engstrom
U. S. Forest Service
Gregory J. Nowacki
USDA Forest Service
Glen G. Fredlund
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
PS 55-44
Long-term fire and vegetation interactions at local and sub-regional scales in the central boreal forest
Dominic Senici
Lakehead University
Han H. Chen
Lakehead University
Yves Bergeron
University of Quebec in Abitibi-Temiscamingue
Adam A. Ali
Universite Montpellier II
PS 55-45
The effects fire history and position along a hydrologic gradient on the yearly growth of
Pinus palustris
Pinus serotina
in a pine savannah ecosystem
Donald L. Vineyard
Duke University
Justin P. Wright
Duke University
Gregory M. Ames
Duke University
Steve Anderson
Duke University
Matthew G. Hohmann
US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC - CERL
PS 55-46
Short-term impacts of forest fire on fish and lake water mercury concentrations from northern Minnesota lakes
Emma L. Witt
University of Minnesota
Randall K. Kolka
USDA Forest Service
Edward A. Nater
University of Minnesota
Trent R. Wickman
USDA Forest Service
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