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PS 50
- Remote Sensing And Image Analysis
Wednesday, August 7, 2013: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
PS 50-149
Vegetation change in the south of China after Grain-for-Green
Jien Zhang
Lehigh University
Tianming Wang
Beijing Normal University
Jianping Ge
Beijing Normal University
PS 50-150
Detailed maps of tropical forests are within reach: Forest tree communities for Trinidad mapped with multiseason Landsat and Google Earth
E. H. Helmer
USDA Forest Service
Thomas S. Ruzycki
Colorado State University
Jay Benner
Colorado State University
Shannon M. Voggesser
Colorado State University
Barbara P. Scobie
Forestry Division
Courtenay Park
Forestry Division
David W. Fanning
Fanning Software Consulting
Seepersad Ramnarine
Forestry Division
PS 50-151
Estimating plant diversity from space
Steven D. Warren
US Forest Service
Anke Jentsch
University of Bayreuth
Keith D. Olson
Colorado State University
Martin Alt
Universität Koblenz - Landau
PS 50-152
Modeling gross primary production of a tropical semi-deciduous forest in the southern Amazon Basin
Marcelo Sacardi Biudes
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Maisa Souza
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Nadja Gomes Machado
Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso
Victor Hugo de Morais Danelichen
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
George L. Vourlitis
California State University
José de Souza Nogueira
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
PS 50-153
Discerning individual plant species in satellite imagery using field-measured hyper-spectral reflectance data at the Blandy Experimental Farm, north-central Virginia
Prajakta Musselwhite
University of Virginia
Howard Epstein
University of Virginia
PS 50-154
Using high-resolution aerial photogrammetry to 3-dimensionally model soil erosion in rangeland ecosystems
Jeffrey Gillan
USDA ARS Jornada Experimental Range
Jason W. Karl
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Nichole N. Barger
University of Colorado Boulder
Michael Duniway
U.S. Geological Survey
Ahmed Elaksher
New Mexico State University
PS 50-155
Using Landsat sensor data as a management tool for oak woodland and savanna ecosystem restoration
Peter T. Wolter
Iowa State University
Elizabeth A. Berkley
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Scott D. Peckham
University of Wyoming
Aditya Singh
University of Wisconsin - Madison
PS 50-156
The ability of high resolution aerial imagery to determine shrub location and size in creosote flats of the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts
Erika L. Mudrak
Iowa State University
Andres Fuentes Ramirez
Iowa State University
Marjolein Schat
Rutgers University
Claus Holzapfel
Rutgers University
Kirk A. Moloney
Iowa State University
PS 50-157
Improved seagrass change detection using linear spectral unmixing
Amy V. Uhrin
University of Wisconsin Madison
PS 50-158
Tree cover distribution and above ground carbon stocks of dispersed trees in an agricultural landscape of the dry tropics
Sarah J. Graves
University of Florida
Stephanie Bohlman
University of Florida
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