Thursday, August 8, 2013: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
L100A, Minneapolis Convention Center
2:30 PM
Fine-scale human movement: theory, data, and implications for dengue virus transmission
T. Alex Perkins, Fogarty International Center, NIH;
Andres J. Garcia, University of Florida;
Gonzalo Vazquez-Prokopec, Emory University;
Donal Bisanzio, Emory University;
Robert C. Reiner Jr., University of California, Davis;
Steven T. Stoddard, University of California, Davis;
David L. Smith, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health;
Thomas Scott, University of California, Davis;
Andrew J. Tatem, University of Southampton
4:00 PM
The ecology of eastern equine encephalitis virus in wildlife and mosquitoes in Minnesota
Amy Kinsley, University of Minnesota;
Erika Butler, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources;
Roger Moon, University of Minnesota;
Kirk Johnson, Metropolitan Mosquito Control District;
Michelle Carstensen, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources;
Dave Neitzel, Minnesota Department of Health;
Larissa Minicucci, University of Minnesota;
Meggan Craft, University of Minnesota
4:40 PM
Disease prevalence increases with biodiversity loss through predictable subtraction of host species
Christelle Lacroix, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN;
Anna E. Jolles, Oregon State University;
Eric W. Seabloom, University of Minnesota;
Alison G. Power, Cornell University;
Charles E. Mitchell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;
Elizabeth T. Borer, University of Minnesota