Sunday, August 4, 2013: 9:30 AM-3:00 PM
Level One, Reg Area, 3rd Ave South Lobby, Minneapolis Convention Center
Rebecca A. Montgomery
Trip Leader:
Lee Frelich
Registration Fee: $61
Equipment and Attire: We will walk about 2 miles during the day on gently rolling topography with a few hills 50 feet high. There may possibly be some muddy places in the trail and although August is not peak insect season in Minnesota, there will be some mosquitos.
Itinerary: 9:00 AM leave Minneapolis convention center 9:30 Arrive at Wood-Rill Natural Area and hike for about 1.5 hours 11:00 AM leave Wood-Rill 11:30 arrive at Eastman Nature Center for picnic lunch 12:30 leave Nature Center for Taylor’s Woods 12:45 arrive at Taylor’s Woods, hike for 1.5 hours 2:15 leave Taylor’s woods 3:00 Return to Minneapolis Convention Center
See more of: Field Trips