Sunday, August 4, 2013: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Level One, Reg Area, 3rd Ave South Lobby, Minneapolis Convention Center
Trip Leader:
Ronald L. Trosper
The trip will visit the Fond du Lac Reservation to tour a Leed certified resource management headquarters, a site for wild rice restoration, lake sturgeon restoration, and the application of water quality monitoring to environmental justice and related issues. The host is the Fond du Lac Natural Resources Division ( a division of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa ( Participants will learn how the Division fulfills it mission, which is "The Fond du Lac Resource Management Division is committed to the management, conservation, and sustainability of the natural resources of the Fond du Lac Band in order to protect the environment on the Fond du Lac Reservation and within its treaty areas. The Resource Management Division will use the tools of research, education and outreach with Band Members, partners and stakeholders to accomplish these goals."
Registration Fee: $107
Equipment and Attire: No special equipment or attire
Itinerary: 8AM-Depart for Fond du Lac Reservation (FDL)
10:30AM-Arrive at FDL Resource Management Headquarters for tour of “Green” LEED Certified building and discussion of tribal natural resource management
11:30AM-Lunch (I can assist with having something delivered, the cost will need to be dealt with on your end, hot and cold options)
12:15PM-Depart for wild rice lake restoration site (Perch Lake)
12:40PM- Arrive at Perch Lake, presentation on historical and cultural significance of the site along with the practice and management of wild rice for our people
1:30PM-Depart for St. Louis River
2:00PM-Arrive at St. Louis River- (1) presentation by FDL Environmental staff on water quality monitoring and environmental jurisdictional issues. There are many tie ins with water and traditional subsistence lifeways (2) presentation by FDL Natural Resources staff on lake sturgeon reintroduction project
3:00PM Depart FDL for Twin Cities