Tuesday, August 6, 2013: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
L100B, Minneapolis Convention Center
Leanne Jablonski
Megan M. Gregory
Jennifer L. Shirk
Tiffany S. Carey
Scott J. Peters
Heidi L. Ballard
Ecologists promote environmental justice (EJ) through participatory research, education, and policy engagement with diverse communities. However, identifying EJ dimensions of one’s work and engaging diverse collaborators in meaningful ways requires guidance from EJ practitioners and trans-disciplinary collaborations. In this workshop, participants will develop action plans to integrate EJ in their research and education projects and institutional cultures. We will draw on insights from various traditions of public participation in scientific research (PPSR) to provide practical guidance for planning community-based projects. The workshop is designed for ecology students, advisers, research scientists and their collaborators. It accompanies and features presenters from the OOS “Doing Justice Through Your Research: Following Your Passion and Creating a Just Society as an Ecologist”. Format will include: a) participant introductions, b) overview of frameworks for designing community-based research and education projects for desired outcomes, and examples of how ecologists are infusing EJ into their work, c) guided plan development process, including reflection questions to consider when shaping a community-based project to advance EJ, d) small group discussion, and e) large group sharing of initial plans and feedback on best ways to adapt and implement them. Workshop leaders will share ESA-EJ and PPSR resources and facilitate discussion with planning questions including: What are the challenges to justice-oriented research and education in your particular context/project? What support do you need to effectively address those challenges? What experiences/resources can you suggest for others? What are the venues for developing and sharing this type of work (with academic and practitioner communities)?