Thursday, August 8, 2013: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Board Rm 1, Hilton Minneapolis
Andrea McMillen
Don Bowie
This workshop is the second of two offered as part of a partnership between ESA and the Science and Engineering Alliance (SEA): Developing Research and Teaching Capacity in the Ecological Sciences at Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs). SEA is organizing the first workshop to be held on Sunday Aug 4. The two workshops will facilitate MSI involvement in SEA’s NEON Satellite Sites (NSS) initiative and the development of ESA’s Future of Environmental Decisions (FED) education activities. The workshops are funded by the National Science Foundation.
This is a hands-on workshop for faculty to experience two or three teaching modules using large scale datasets.
Participants will explore:
1. The value of data analysis and systems education in the context of Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education,
2. Potential pitfalls in preparing students for quantitative work,
3. Common student misconceptions of key ecological concepts, and
4. Assessment strategies associated with introducing large scale data analysis in the classroom.