There are two BioBlitz focus areas. The first area is the recreated prairie and ephemeral ponds located on the former site of the 1940's Mississippi Courts public housing. Since the housing was demolished in 1987, the degraded site was reshaped and replanted, and has taken on new life. The BioBlitz will catalogue plant and animal diversity in the prairie and the area surrounding the park's nature center. These data will be used to target development and restoration planning by the Park Board. A floodplain forest heavily damaged by a 2011 tornado is the second focus area of the BioBlitz. A survey of plants and animals in this area will create a record of natives and non-natives, and provide baseline data for future management plans.
Neighborhood volunteers and teens have already been participating in the Minnesota Odonata Project and the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project. The BioBlitz will highlight and build upon this work - and help inspire the community to actively engage in monitoring the health of the park. The BioBlitz provides an opportunity for mentoring and learning exchange among participants including ESA members, student interns, neighborhood and Master Naturalist volunteers, park staff, and the Mississippi River Green Team, a conservation based crew that employs at-risk youth from the surrounding community. Join us!
Registration Fee: $86
Equipment and Attire: Should wear sturdy closed toe shoes, and long pants, since brush and possibly poisonous plants may be encountered in the tornado damaged area. Please bring identification guides appropriate to your ecological specialty, sun screen, and insect repellent. Surveying some parts of the site may require climbing in natural terrain, and may involve streams and wet areas.
Itinerary: 1. 8 a.m. Leave MCC 2. 8:30 a.m. Arrive at North Mississippi Regional Park 3. 4:30 p.m. Depart NMRP for return to MCC