Tuesday, August 6, 2013: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
101D, Minneapolis Convention Center
William O. Hobbs
Kyle D. Zimmer
James B. Cotner
Kyle D. Zimmer
Biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and carbon from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems is particularly relevant in an era of human modifications to the landscape. Our understanding of this theme has evolved with the compilation of long-term monitoring and paleolimnological datasets and studies of lakes over large spatial gradients. Long-term (decadal to centennial) trends offer a substitution of space for time, allowing for a broader context to decipher possible drivers and thresholds of change in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The temporal scale at which terrestrial – aquatic linkages are often evident underscores the importance of understanding long-term trends. Indeed, in many aquatic ecosystems of North America substantial shifts in algal communities occur in response to the modification of the landscape over decades during settlement. Furthermore, the role of allochthonous inputs to higher trophic levels production in freshwaters is a topic of great interest and debate presently. The main objectives of this session are to focus on datasets that elucidate the movement of nutrients and carbon to lakes over time and space among a variety of terrestrial ecosystems. The goal of the session therefore is to present findings that further our understanding in the long-term trends of nutrients and carbon in lakes and offer insights into the mechanisms of change (e.g. landscape alteration, climate, atmospheric deposition). These long-term insights should be relevant to many ecologists interested in the current impaired state of our inland waters as well as those interested in the concept of allochthony and its management implications. This session will bring together contemporary studies over large spatial scales in the first half of the symposium and present long-term records in the second half. The structure of the session will highlight the temporal and ecosystem variability of terrestrial-aquatic linkages.
1:30 PM
A conceptual framework for understanding multi-scaled cause-effect relationships between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
Patricia A. Soranno, Michigan State University;
Kendra S. Cheruvelil, Michigan State University;
Ed Bissell, Michigan State University;
Mary Bremigan, Michigan State University;
John A. Downing, Iowa State University;
C. Emi Fergus, Michigan State University;
Christopher T. Filstrup, Iowa State University;
Noah R. Lottig, University of Wisconsin;
Emily Norton Henry, Michigan State University;
Emily H. Stanley, University of Wisconsin;
Craig Stow, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration;
Pang-Ning Tan, Michigan State University;
Tyler Wagner, U.S. Geological Survey, Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit;
Katherine Webster, Trinity College Dublin
3:20 PM
Flood and drought-enhanced variations in streamwater nitrate flux in an agricultural watershed, Clear Creek, Iowa
Amy J. Burgin, University of Nebraska - Lincoln;
Caroline A. Davis, Lucille A. Carver Mississippi Riverside Environmental Research Station;
Terry D. Loecke, University of Kansas;
Diego Riveros-Irequi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln;
Doug Schnoebelen, Lucille A. Carver Mississippi Riverside Environmental Research Station;
Martin St. Clair, Coe College;
Steve A. Thomas, University of Nebraska-Lincoln;
Adam S. Ward, University of Iowa;
Larry J. Weber, University of Iowa