Friday, August 9, 2013: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
101D, Minneapolis Convention Center
Tara Gancos Crawford
Tara Gancos Crawford
There is a growing interest in understanding the extent to which populations of generalist species are ecologically heterogeneous, containing individuals that are ecologically distinct. Phenotypic variation among conspecifics can engender inter-individual differences in preferences or abilities, leading to persistent behavioral deviations and dissimilar direct and indirect ecological interactions. Consequently, individuals or population subsets can disproportionally influence population dynamics or may respond differentially to anthropogenic impacts. Ignoring variation within populations may hinder our ability to effectively manage our natural resources in a cost-effective manner. Although intrapopulation niche variation has been characterized in plants, invertebrates, fishes, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals, we have only a fledgling understanding of the incidence of this phenomenon across ecological contexts, and its ecological causes and consequences are not well understood. Additionally, the roles that intrapopulation niche variation plays in population and community resilience, and human/wildlife interactions, have not been adequately described. The time is ripe for synthesis of our understanding of this phenomenon, and its ecological and policy relevance. With presentations from premier ecologists, this session will explore intrapopulation niche variation from multiple perspectives. We will begin by focusing on the occurrence of this phenomenon in natural systems and the factors that constrain or promote it. Then, we will give attention to the methods that are available for identifying and quantifying intrapopulation niche variation and individual specialization. Finally, we will highlight the policy relevance of persistent inter-individual behavioral differences by linking intrapopulation niche variation to wildlife management and climate change considerations.
10:10 AM
MixSIAR: A Bayesian stable isotope mixing model for characterizing intrapopulation niche variation
Brice X. Semmens, UC San Diego;
Brian C. Stock, UC San Diego;
Eric Ward, Northwest Fisheries Science Center;
Jonathan W. Moore, Simon Fraser University;
Andrew Parnell, University College, Dublin;
Andrew L. Jackson, Trinity College Dublin;
Donald L. Phillips, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;
Stuart Bearhop, University of Exeter Cornwall;
Richard Inger, Environment and Sustainability Institute