Biological nitrogen (N) fixation – the conversion of atmospheric di-nitrogen into bioavailable forms of N – is the principal N input to natural ecosystems. Nitrogen limits plant productivity and carbon exchange in many ecosystems, yet our understanding of the rates and controls on biological N fixation, both symbiotic and free-living rates, are limited. This is especially important in tropical lowland forests, where N fixation rates are thought to be highest. Prior work has identified phosphorus and molybdenum, two bedrock-derived nutrients, as constraints to free-living N fixation. This suggests variation in state factors – parent material and soil age – could affect rates of N fixation at landscape scales. Our study site in the Bladen Nature Reserve in Belize provides an opportunity to explore the influence of parent material on the process of free-living N fixation. The reserve includes neighboring lowland tropical forests growing on rhyolitic volcanic rocks, limestone, and limestone influenced alluvium. Our study asks: how do rates of free-living N fixation vary with parent material in lowland tropical forests? To address this question, we measured rates of free-living N fixation in litter and soil across three parent materials. At each site, we quantified the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus of foliage, litter and soil.
The limestone sites have higher total soil phosphorus (P) pools in the top 30 cm (limestone = 250 ppm; limestone influenced alluvium = 390 ppm) compared to the volcanic site (147 ppm). There were significantly higher rates of litter free-living N fixation in the limestone (27 ng N fixed/g/hr; 0.53 kg N/ha/yr) and limestone influenced alluvium (41ng N fixed/g/hr; 0.38 kg N/ha/yr) sites versus the volcanic sites (6.8 ng N fixed/g/hr; 0.22 kg N/ha/yr). Soil free-living N fixation was greatest in the limestone site (7.11 ng N/g/hr; 0.14 kg N/ha/yr), and was undetectable in the volcanic soils. Therefore, free-living N fixation is positively correlated with total soil P pools, likely due to the fact N fixation is an energy intensive process and requires significant amounts of P as ATP. These results suggest that soil P may drive N fixation – the principal N input to natural ecosystems – and therefore may be the ultimate constraint on productivity and C sequestration in tropical ecosystems.