Bacterial-mediated denitrification plays a significant role in mitigating the effects of excessive nitrogen (N) loading from agricultural and wastewater sources, yet incomplete denitrification results in production of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas. Oxygen (O2) directly inhibits denitrification, influences N2O production, and modifies bacterial community composition. Previous work on O2-mediated bacterial N2O production has focused on the response of bacterial isolates in culture to O2 or changes in biogenic N2O emissions from terrestrial or marine ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to examine how freshwater wetland bacterial community composition and N2O emissions are affected by, and recover from, O2exposures of varying durations.
Microcosms were constructed with wetland sediments. Treated microcosms received nutrient amendments (5 mg N-NO3- L-1) and were subjected to 0-, 12-, 24-, or 48-hour (h) periods of O2 exposure before being returned to anaerobic conditions to allow for recovery. Controls received no nitrate amendment and were continuously anaerobic. Headspace samples were collected every 6 h after initial O2 exposure to quantify N2O production. Denitrification rates were estimated using the acetylene block method. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analyses of 16S rDNA gene sequences were used to compare pre- and post-disturbance profiles of the bacterial community.
Estimates of denitrification rates in treated microcosms were significantly greater than that of the control (p<0.05) indicating that nutrient availability was a limiting factor in denitrification in the control microcosms. Increases in mean N2O production were seen within 6 h after O2 evacuation for treatments undergoing 12- and 24-h periods of O2 exposure. There was an overall significant positive correlation (p<0.05) between N2O emissions and time since treatments began for the control (r2= 0.47), 12 h (r2= 0.47), and 24 h (r2=0.65) O2 exposure treatments. These results suggest that O2 can influence N2O production and that O2 disturbance, along with nutrient availability, might limit recovery to pre-disturbance emission rates. Potentially the length of the period of oxygen exposure will have a negative impact on rates of recovery when anaerobic conditions are restored.