Purpose-grown biofuels have potential to reduce societal reliance on fossil fuels, but demonstration of sustainability must consider productivity, potential environmental impact, and efficient use of limiting resources. Here, we examine the sustainability of forage Sorghum (S. bicolor) in the Imperial Valley, low desert of CA, a high-heat, high-irradiance, and high productivity environment. We combine single leaf-level (LI 6400; net assimilation, An) and canopy-level (eddy covariance; net ecosystem exchange, NEE) measurements of carbon exchange along with pressure vessel determinations of leaf water potential, to investigate constraints on carbon assimilation in this extreme environment (T> 40 C and PAR > 2000 µmol m-2s-1). Responses of Anto light and temperature curves were performed on upper and lower leaves, to examine photosynthetic capacity, potential environmental constraints, and distribution of activity throughout the dense canopy.
Sorghum exploited this high irradiance environment with substantial yields of about 50 tons ha-1 with a high water use efficiency (40 kg ha-1mm-1) and high radiation use efficiency (0.03). Sorghum achieved high rates of An , exceeding 50 µmols CO2 m-2s-1, and NEE, exceeding 45 µmols CO2 m-2s-1. An and NEE were significantly correlated with each other (r2 = .75) and with photosynthetically active radiation, PAR (r2= .99) and stomatal conductance, gs (r2= .95). Leaf to air vapor pressure deficit increased to 4.8 kPa and transpiring leaf water potential declined to -1.5 MPa, even under well irrigated conditions. Nevertheless, gs was closely related to PAR (r2= .97) and to An, suggesting no hydraulic limitation on stomatal conductance, even at midday. An and gs were not inhibited by temperatures above 40 C, although responses on the hottest days will be subject to more thorough investigation. Photosynthetic activity in Sorghum in hot, arid environments appears to be light limited. Light availability in this growing environment is high and often saturating until noon. Light availability generally decreases before peak midday temperatures are reached (at roughly 1400 hours), possibly alleviating potential heat stress by reducing photosynthetic activity, and thus gs, prior to exposure to the most extreme daily temperatures. Sorghum was not strongly inhibited by moderate water stress occurring under well irrigated conditions. Maintaining high productivity is a key determinant of sustainability in this extreme production environment and Sorghum exhibits high resource use efficiency by avoiding photosynthetic inhibition during peak periods of high summer temperatures and evaporative demand. These observations are positive indicators for a candidate biofuel feedstock production system.