Denitrification, the microbially mediated conversion of nitrate to nitrogen (N) gases (NO, N2O, and N2), represents a major pathway for ecosystem N loss under anoxic conditions, but its significance in most ecosystems, especially those dominated by oxic conditions is unclear. We measured denitrification in soils with varying oxygen (O2) regimes and N availability in three northeastern forests: 1) Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), New Hampshire, USA; 2) Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW), Ontario, Canada; and 3) Bear Brook Watershed (BBWM), Maine, USA. We installed dataloggers with soil oxygen, moisture and temperature sensors to monitor these variables in the top 5 cm at hourly intervals during the growing season (June to September 2011). In each forest, we exploited the range of environmental conditions available: in HBEF, we monitored six plots along an elevation and moisture gradient; in TLW, we monitored six plots along two hillslope to wetland transects; and in BBWM, we monitored 4 plots, in hardwood and softwood plots in N-fertilized and control watersheds. We collected soil samples (0-10 cm; varying proportions of organic and mineral soil) in June and September/October in all plots and measured denitrification gas fluxes under varying He-O2atmospheres. We also measured soil characteristics and microbial activity.
We found substantial denitrification gas fluxes at 10% and 20% O2 in lab incubations. We expected to find significant variations in soil O2 content in response to rain events, but found that only wetland sites in TLW had O2 concentrations significantly below 20%. In the high-low elevation contrast at HBEF, we found higher soil moisture, respiration, and denitrification rates in the high elevation sites. In the hillslope-wetland transects at TLW, we measured higher respiration, %O2, and N2O fluxes (up to 1.2 µg N/g soil /day), but lower denitrification rates, in the toe slopes compared to wetland sites. In the hardwood-softwood and fertilization contrasts in BBWM, we found no clear patterns: across plots, there was no difference in %O2, but hardwood plots had lower respiration and denitrification rates, regardless of N fertilization, while fertilized softwood plots had high N2O fluxes (up to 0.3 µg N/g soil /day). Denitrification fluxes were generally highest at 10% O2 in all forest sites, but we did not find consistent relationships between denitrification fluxes and indices of N and C availability among forests. Denitrification appears to be a significant sink for N in these forests, but the factors controlling this process remain unclear.