Anthropogenic activity has significantly increased the levels of N in the atmosphere that eventually deposit onto semi-arid shrublands. The increased N deposition has altered litter and soil organic matter quality (C:N ratio) , and presumably, levels net N mineralization and microbial biomass. We expect that semi-arid shrublands exposed to high levels of added N will have increased levels of net N mineralization and microbial activity, and we have been measuring in situ rates of net N mineralization in plots exposed to ambient and elevated (50 kgN ha-1 yr-1) N addition. Soil samples in the upper 10 cm layer were collected monthly and incubated in perforated PVC tubes over monthly intervals beginning in December 2012.
Net N mineralization and nitrification were quantified as the change in NH4 and NO3, respectively over the monthly interval, and microbial biomass was measured using chloroform fumigation. Previous results revealed that N addition significantly increased NH4 and NO3 availability; however, it was unclear whether net mineralization or microbial N uptake was affected by exogenous N. These data will help determine how N addition alters N cycling dynamics in the field and how interactions between N availability and soil moisture alter microbial activity in semi-arid shrublands.