Elevated atmospheric CO2 influences root growth and potential for belowground carbon storage. We used minirhizotrons and soil monoliths (8000 cm3) to examine root systems in a loblolly pine plantation following 15 years of exposure to Free-Air-CO2-Enrichment (FACE) and 5 years of nitrogen (N) addition. We hypothesized that responses of fine roots to elevated CO2 would be greatest in fertilized subplots and that CO2-enrichment would induce a shift in architecture of fine root systems from dichotomous to more herringbone branching patterns. We predicted that N ferilization would decrease fine root production and cause a shift from herringbone to more dichotomous branching patterns.
We found significantly greater root length density in plots exposed to elevated CO2 relative to ambient conditions (p=0.0296), but no effect of N fertilization on root length was detected. Total root volume responded to CO2 fumigation in opposite directions depending on N fertilization treatment, with elevated CO2 increasing root volume in unfertilized plots but decreasing root volume under N fertilization (p=0.0379). The number of root tips was generally greater under elevated CO2 conditions. Neither CO2 nor N treatments influenced average root diameter . Specific root length of pine roots was not affected by N fertilization, but was marginally higher in CO2 –enriched relative to ambient plots (p=0.084). Altered architecture of fine root systems in CO2-enriched compared to ambient plots was reflected by a significantly higher DBI (indicating a shift from a dichotomous to more herringbone branching pattern). Finally, significant changes occurred in the distribution of resources to roots of different diameters in response to CO2-enrichment and N. Following 15 years of elevated CO2 conditions, trees continue to show increased resource allocation to the production of root length in response to CO2 and exhibited architectural changes that have been shown to increase efficiency of nutrient and water uptake.