In addition to acting as a globally significant store of carbon, peatlands are also an important natural source of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere. Given the high global warming potential of CH4, understanding the response of peatland CH4 flux to environmental change - including temperature, water-table level, and elevated atmospheric CO2 - is crucial for understanding the future role of peatlands in the global climate. CH4 flux is the result of CH4 production, consumption and transport and is regulated by both plant and microbial activities. Unraveling the mechanistic controls of these activities remains a challenge for both understanding and modeling the response of peatland CH4 flux to environmental change.
Synthesis of past research exploring the response of peatland CH4 flux to environmental change reveals a number of consistent patterns, most notably: (1) warmer temperatures increases CH4 flux, (2) wetter conditions increase CH4 flux, and (3) elevated CO2 increases CH4 flux. Projects exploring the interactive effects of these environmental changes are limited, but suggest that interactions are important.
Increasingly, there is a growing body of work demonstrating that the mechanistic controls of these responses are complex and involve links between plant, microbe and soil dynamics. For example, increased CH4 production in response to temperature is linked to a number of non-methanogenic microbial activities, including: fermentation, acetate production, and the competitive reduction of inorganic and organic terminal electron acceptors. The response of CH4 flux to water-table level may be related not only to oxygen sensitivity of CH4 production and consumption, but also to longer-term shifts in plant community structure. Elevated CO2 impacts are frequently linked to the increase in organic carbon substrates associated with increased plant productivity. Comparative studies in different peatland types (e.g., bogs and fens) suggest that the controls of CH4 dynamics likely differ between different peatlands for reasons which are not well understood. Taken together, past research highlights the importance of developing stronger mechanistic models of production, consumption, transport, and ultimately flux of CH4 from peatlands for exploring links between peatlands and environmental change.