Although efforts to enhance climate change adaptation are developing rapidly, the implementation of adaptation actions often lags behind and leaves many decision-makers wondering what adaptation will look like in practical terms. Real-world demonstrations of adaptation are essential for expanding interest in climate change adaptation to a larger audience of natural resource management professionals. Through the Climate Change Response Framework, we have developed Forest Adaptation Resources: Climate Change Tools and Approaches for Land Managers in order to help natural resource managers implement forest adaptation activities. The resources include an adaptation process and workbook that incorporates regional information about climate change vulnerability and potential adaptation strategies into on-the-ground management tactics that are designed to meet managers’ unique objectives.
These resources are currently being used in collaboration with a variety of public, private, and tribal natural resource managers to develop projects that implement a diversity of adaptation actions while also meeting management goals. This presentation will describe the process for identifying adaptation actions and showcase efforts where adaptation actions are currently being implemented in forests. We will also discuss challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned that can be applied at different scales and in different sectors.