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PS 31
- Plant-Insect Interactions
Tuesday, August 7, 2012: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
PS 31-133
Effects of a mutualist and an antagonist on tomato’s primary metabolism
Timothy Korpita
Tufts University
Sara Gomez
University of Rhode Island
Colin Orians
Tufts University
PS 31-134
False ring formation in response to hemlock woolly adelgid feeding in eastern hemlocks
Liahna Gonda-King
University of Rhode Island
Laura Radville
University of Rhode Island
Evan L. Preisser
University of Rhode Island
PS 31-135
Local variation in host plant quality affects spatial distribution of fall webworms (
Hyphantria cunea
MacKenzie Kjeldgaard
University of Denver
Katrina Loewy
University of Denver
Shannon M. Murphy
University of Denver
PS 31-136
Effects of mid-development host switching on fall webworm (
Hyphantria cunea
) larval performance: evidence for compensatory growth
Amy Flansburg
University of Denver
Katrina J. Loewy
University of Denver
Shannon M. Murphy
University of Denver
PS 31-137
Seed removal in transformed habitats:
Pogonomyrmex barbatus
and five cactus species in a semiarid zone of central Mexico
Leticia Rios-Casanova
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Gabriela Martinez
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Hector Godinez-Alvarez
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
PS 31-138
The role of multitrophic interactions for mating system expression in
Ruellia humilis
Janette A. Steets
Oklahoma State University
Barney Luttbeg
Oklahoma State University
Eric J. Rebek
Oklahoma State University
PS 31-139
Geographic variation in the effect of drought on southern pine beetle outbreaks
Eric Pante
Université de La Rochelle
Derek Johnson
Virginia Commonwealth University
Kyle J. Haynes
University of Virginia
PS 31-140
An analysis of nocturnal moth visitation to the flora of the Ketona dolomite glades of Bibb County, Alabama, USA
Kathryn Ann LeCroy
Birmingham-Southern College
Peter A. Van Zandt
Birmingham-Southern College
Wayne Shew
Birmingham-Southern College
PS 31-141
Leaf habit relates to herbivory tolerance in two Chilean Nothofagus species
Frida I. Piper
Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (CIEP)
Alex Fajardo
Centro de Investigacion en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia
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