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PS 75
- Climate Change: Communities
Thursday, August 9, 2012: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
PS 75-103
Divergent phenological responses to climate cues in a 20-year record of syrphid flies and flowers
David W. Inouye
University of Maryland
Amy M. McKinney
University of Maryland
Abraham Miller-Rushing
National Park Service
Laura Burkle
Montana State University
Eleanor B. Johnston
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
PS 75-104
Changes in invertebrate communities along a natural elevational climate gradient at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA
Hannah E. Clark
Vassar College
Lynn Christenson
Vassar College
PS 75-105
Modeling climate change effects on the ecotone between forest and grassland at Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota
David A. King
Oregon State University
Dominique M. Bachelet
Conservation Biology Institute and Oregon State University
Amy Symstad
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
PS 75-106
Multi-year effects of feral
spp. grown under ambient and global change conditions in sunlit mesocoms
George A. King
Dynamac Inc.
E. Henry Lee
Mike Bollman
US Environmental Protection Agency/NHEERL
Jay R. Reichman
US Environmental Protection Agency/NHEERL
Bonnie M. Smith
US Environmental Protection Agency/NHEERL
Lidia Watrud
US Environmental Protection Agency/NHEERL
PS 75-107
Severe drought restructures the plant community in three major vegetation zones in Northern Arizona
Hillary F. Cooper
Northern Arizona University
Chris O'Brien
University of Arizona
Kristina Paxton
Univeristy of Southern Mississippi
Thomas G. Whitham
Northern Arizona University
PS 75-108
Non-linear responses of native shrubs to invasion and altered rainfall regimes
Elsa Cleland
University of California San Diego
Christopher Kopp
University of California, San Diego
Angelita C. Ashbacher
University of California Santa Cruz
PS 75-109
The interactive effects of herbivory and rising temperatures on
Quercus alba
seedling demography: An experimental and observational test
Melissa A. Burt
University of Tennessee
Robert R. Dunn
North Carolina State University
Lauren M. Nichols
North Carolina State University
Nathan J. Sanders
The University of Copenhagen
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