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PS 67
- Biogeochemistry: C And N Cycling In Response To Global Change
Thursday, August 9, 2012: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
PS 67-20
The impacts of changes in snowfall on wintertime soil greenhouse gas emissions using an automated chamber system
Leilei Ruan
Michigan State University
Kevin Kahmark
Michigan State University
G. Philip Robertson
Michigan State University
PS 67-21
A novel cyberinfrastructure to support research of land-atmosphere fluxes of carbon, water, and energy in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem
Christine Laney
University of Texas at El Paso
Aline Jaimes
University of Texas at El Paso
Ari Kassin
University of Texas at El Paso
Ryan P. Cody
University of Texas at El Paso
Craig E. Tweedie
University of Texas, El Paso
PS 67-22
Using tree rings to better understand the role of biological demand in the inter-annual variability of stream nitrate concentrations at the Fernow Experimental Forest, West Virginia
Christopher A. Walter
West Virginia University
Mark B. Burnham
West Virginia University
Amy E. Hessl
West Virginia University
William T. Peterjohn
West Virginia University
PS 67-23
Thermal acclimation impacts on global carbon dynamics
Zhangcai Qin
Purdue University
Qianlai Zhuang
Purdue University
Min Chen
Purdue University
Yujie He
Purdue University
PS 67-24
Soil carbon stability and temperature sensitivity of carbon decomposition along an elevation gradient in the Changbai Mountain, China
Wenhua Xu
Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Edith Bai
Instituted of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
PS 67-25
Water level drawdown boosts greenhouse gas production in a small eutrophic reservoir
Bridget R. Deemer
Washington State University Vancouver
John A. Harrison
Washington State University Vancouver
Maria T. Glavin
Washington State University Vancouver
PS 67-26
Respiration costs associated with nitrate reduction as estimated
pulse labeling and nitrate redactase activity of evergreen oak
Naoko Tokuchi
Kyoto University
Wataru Hidaka
Kyoto University
Kazumichi Fujii
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Noriyuki Osada
Kyoto University
Lina Koyama
Kyoto University
Reiji Fujimaki
Shimane University
PS 67-27
Water level drawdown is a hot moment for methane ebullition in a small eutrophic reservoir, Lacamas Lake, Washington
Maria T. Glavin
Washington State University Vancouver
Bridget R. Deemer
Washington State University Vancouver
John A. Harrison
Washington State University Vancouver
PS 67-28
Effects of water level on specific root respiration and biomass of
Chamaedaphne calyculta
Larix laricina
, and
Picea mariana
in a poor fen peatland
Kenneth M. Carruthers
Michigan Technological University
PS 67-29
Soil respiration across an urban-rural tropical gradient: Variability among forest and invasive grass sites
Joseph K. Lee
University of British Columbia
Daniela F. Cusack
University of California, Los Angeles
PS 67-30
Increases in soil organic carbon in semi-arid integrated crop-livestock systems
Lisa Fultz
Texas Tech University
Vivien Allen
Texas Tech University
Jennifer Moore-Kucera
Texas Tech University
PS 67-31
Seasonal variation in N availability and nitrification rates due to precipitation variability and elevation
Tatyana Isupov
Brigham Young University
Richard A. Gill
Brigham Young University
PS 67-32
Landform and vegetation patch type moderate the effects of grazing-induced disturbance on carbon and nitrogen pools in a semi-arid woodland
Jane G. Smith
New Mexico State University
David J. Eldridge
University of New South Wales
Heather L. Throop
New Mexico State University
PS 67-33
Interactive effects of multiple global change factors on soil nitrogen transformations in a California annual grassland
Chelsea J. Carey
University of California
Stephen C. Hart
University of California, Merced
Valerie T. Eviner
University of California Davis
Joseph C. Blankinship
University of California
PS 67-34
Strong seasonal and diel variation of soil CO
efflux in a moist subtropical forest in Puerto Rico
Omar Gutiérrez del Arroyo
University of Puerto Rico
Tana E. Wood
USDA Forest Service
Ariel E. Lugo
USDA Forest Service
PS 67-35
Methane production and emissions from a tidal wetland under multifactored global change
Shannon B. Hagerty
Villanova University
J. Adam Langley
Villanova University
Lillian R. Aoki
Cornell University
Thomas J. Mozdzer
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
J. Patrick Megonigal
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
PS 67-36
Influence of nitrogen availability on soil respiration kinetics
Jennifer R. Eberwein
University of California Riverside
Patricia A. Oikawa
University of California, Riverside
Darrel Jenerette
University of California, Riverside
PS 67-37
Contributions of ectomycorrhizal fungi to organic matter formation and decomposition in response to chronic N deposition
Jesse J. Sadowsky
University of New Hampshire
Linda T.A. Van Diepen
University of New Hampshire
Serita Frey
University of New Hampshire
PS 67-38
Will elevated N inputs from acid rain stimulate C storage in an aggrading appalachian temperate deciduous forest?
Zachariah K. Fowler
West Virginia University
Mary Beth Adams
USDA Forest Service
William T. Peterjohn
West Virginia University
PS 67-39
Contribution of fine root respiration to total soil respiration in high-elevation red spruce forests along a nitrogen availability gradient
Kenneth R. Smith
West Virginia University
Tyler Davidson
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Richard B. Thomas
West Virginia University
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