97th ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10, 2012)

COS 183 - Disease And Epidemiology V

Friday, August 10, 2012: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
D139, Oregon Convention Center
8:00 AM
Foraging networks influence the parasite community of the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus)
Daniel A. Grear, Colorado State University; Lien Luong, Pennsylvania State University; Peter J. Hudson, Pennsylvania State University
8:20 AM Cancelled
COS 183-2
Drought-induced amplification of West Nile virus transmission in the northeastern United States (widthdrawn)
Brian J. Johnson, Rutgers, The State University; Michael V.K. Sukhdeo, Rutgers University
8:40 AM
A population-dynamics approach to evaluate the impact of anti-relapse treatment on epidemic Plasmodium vivax malaria
Manojit Roy, University of Michigan, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Menno J. Bouma, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London; Edward L. Ionides, University of Michigan; Ramesh Dhiman, National Institute of Malaria Research; Mercedes Pascual, University of Michigan,Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Santa Fe Institute
9:00 AM
Estimating changes in population density and distribution to improve human health
Nita Bharti, Princeton University; Andrew Tatem, University of Florida; Matthew Ferrari, Penn State University; Bryan T. Grenfell, Princeton University
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
An adaptive management framework for optimal response to Foot and Mouth outbreaks
Matthew J. Ferrari, Penn State University; Katriona Shea, The Pennsylvania State University; Christopher Fonnesbeck, Vanderbilt University; Michael Runge, US Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center; Michael Tildesley, University of Nottingham
10:30 AM
Effects of host functional traits on pathogen load and host tolerance of infectious disease: An experimental test
James P. Cronin, USGS National Wetland Research Center; Martin G. Dekkers, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Miranda E. Welsh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Megan A. RĂșa, University of Mississippi; Charles E. Mitchell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
10:50 AM
Stochastic fade-out in space: Will microscale disease-induced mortality along geographic corridors inhibit the macroscale spread of White-nose Syndrome?
Suzanne M. O'Regan, University of Georgia; Krisztian Magori, Eastern Washington University; J. Tomlin Pulliam, University of Georgia; Marcus A. Zokan, University of Georgia; RajReni B. Kaul, University of Georgia; Heather D. Barton, University of Georgia; John M. Drake, University of Georgia
11:10 AM
Rainfall-driven desert malaria under land-use change: Identifying regions with similar spatio-temporal dynamics
Andres Baeza, University of Michigan; Edward B. Baskerville, University of Michigan; Alexandra Livne, Howard Hughes Medical Insititute; Robert C. Reiner Jr., University of California, Davis; Menno J. Bouma, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London; Mercedes Pascual, University of Michigan,Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Santa Fe Institute