97th ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10, 2012)

COS 191 - Invasion: Models

Friday, August 10, 2012: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Portland Blrm 255, Oregon Convention Center
8:00 AM
Forecasting the distribution of two species of Asian carp using native and non-native range information
Sean P. Maher, Missouri State University; John M. Drake, University of Georgia; Marion E. Wittmann, University of Notre Dame; Richard de Triquet, University of Notre Dame; W. Lindsay Chadderton, The Nature Conservancy; David M. Lodge, University of Notre Dame
8:20 AM
Models of plant invasion risk over-estimate impact
Bethany A. Bradley, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
8:40 AM
Estimation and analysis of variability in the invasion rate of the gypsy moth
Jonathan A. Walter, University of Virginia; Ottar Bjornstad, Pennsylvania State University; Patrick C. Tobin, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Kyle J. Haynes, University of Virginia
9:00 AM
Generalized “avatar” niche shifts for modeling the potential distributions of emerging data-poor invasive species
Eric R. Larson, University of Tennessee; Julian Olden, University of Washington
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
The rate of invasive species spread and adaptive human behavior
David W. Shanafelt, Arizona State University; Eli P. Fenichel, Arizona State University; Timothy J. Richards, Arizona State University
10:10 AM
Invasive herbivores can lead to the exclusion of other herbivores in a host-parasitoid web through apparent competition
Christelle Suppo, CNRS - Université François Rabelais; Paco Derouault, CNRS - Université François Rabelais; Jérôme Casas, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - University of Tours
10:30 AM
Change you can believe in: A novel empirical model to integrate invasive species impacts
Dan Tekiela, Virginia Tech; Eugene Dollete, Virginia Tech; Bradley Tomasek, University of Illinois; Jacob Barney, Virginia Tech
10:50 AM
A hierarchical approach to assess plant invasions in a region of rapid climate change
Catherine Jarnevich, U.S. Geological Survey; Tracy R. Holcombe, U.S. Geological Survey; Elizabeth Bella, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Matthew L. Carlson, University of Alaska Anchorage; Gino Graziano, University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service; Steven Seefeldt, USDA Agricultural Research Service; Melinda Lamb, US Forest Service; Jeffrey T. Morisette, U.S. Geological Survey
11:10 AM
Novel methods to improve predictions of alien plant species richness
Sunil Kumar, Colorado State University; Thomas J. Stohlgren, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory