Tuesday, August 7, 2012: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
D136, Oregon Convention Center
Ana Elisa Pérez-Quintero
Kellen A. Marshall-Gillespie
Leanne Jablonski
What should the role be of ecologists, other scientists and ecology students within community efforts? This is just one of the many questions asked during the 2011 Workshop on Building the Guide to Working with Communities. Getting involved in local agriculture and food sovereignty efforts is just one of the ways of addressing this question. Some ecologists participating in ESA are running or participating of community and school led farms and gardens. Curriculum systematizes the lessons learned in the field or backyard.
To identify best practices, we’ll open with a discussion featuring the experience of two educational urban agro-ecology projects: one in the Río Piedras town of Puerto Rico and the Garden Mosaics project www.gardenmosaics.org and Civic Ecology www.civicecology.org projects based in New York. These two examples will contribute perspectives and experiences on how to best develop curriculum based on the science of gardens and on the cultural and community themes relative to food production.
Participating organizations and leaders of the Hungry for More Field Trip will be invited to develop ecology curriculum that integrates the cultural and economic communities” be they school, church or vacant lot gardens run by non profit 5013cs or community organizations particular needs into teachings.