Tuesday, August 7, 2012: 5:30 PM-8:30 PM
M.L. King Jr. Lobby, Oregon Convention Center
Kerissa Fuccillo
Trip Leaders:
Alyssa Rosemartin
Marion Dresner
Registration Fee: $40
Equipment and Attire: The trail has gentle ups and downs and the walk will be a total of 2 miles. Bring a snack and something to drink. You might also consider bringing binoculars or a hand lens.
Itinerary: 5:30 PM: Leave Oregon Convention Center for Forest Park Entrance at NW 29th Ave & NW Upshur ST 5:45 PM: Enter Park, walk to phenology trail, make observations 6:45 PM Snacks and discussion near Park pavilion 7:30 PM - Leave Park to return to Convention Center
See more of: Field Trips