Monday, August 6, 2012: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
Portland Blrm 255, Oregon Convention Center
Margaret A. Palmer
James Boyd
Jonathan Kramer
Leslie Ries
Scott L. Collins
Ray Hilborn
Laura Lopez-Hoffman
Simon Levin
Molly K. Macauley
The National Socio-environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) is dedicated to promoting actionable, synthesis science at the intersection of human society and its supporting environmental systems. Therefore, “Earth Stewardship” will be a primary focus of the center’s research activities. SESYNC supports synthesis activities within an evolving set of Themes that include a number of funded efforts called Pursuits. This thematic approach provides a strategic basis for the assembly of a portfolio of synthesis activities directed at each Theme. Theme portfolios foster co-learning and the sharing of databases, computational, and visualization tools—all benefiting individual efforts while leveraging activities for more effective outcomes overall. The selection of Themes is therefore critical and will define the focus of our center over the next several years. The goal of this session is to provide the audience with an overview of the Themes that have emerged thus far from ongoing, targeted workshops and on-line community engagement and to provide the ESA membership with an opportunity to help prioritize, fine-tune, or revise the Themes. A brief handout detailing the emerging SESYNC themes will be provided and will be followed by a series of short talks (15 min) presented by four members of SESYNC’s External Advisory Board. Speakers will be asked to provide their insights on emerging Themes and the audience will participate in a discussion. At the conclusion of the session, we will ask the audience to complete a brief survey (also available online) to identify their priorities.