Monday, August 6, 2012: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
Portland Blrm 253, Oregon Convention Center
William Michener
Amber Budden
Patricia Cruse
Carly Strasser
Stephanie Hampton
Are you preparing a research proposal or initiating a research project? Increasingly, funders are requiring that proposals and funded projects include a comprehensive plan that describes how the data will be effectively managed during the life of the project and beyond. Regardless, advance planning for data management is good practice; stewardship of earth depends on stewardship of the data about earth and life on it. This workshop introduces participants to the critical components of effective data management plans, with consideration of the ways in which your plan can be tailored to the size, duration, and breadth of your project. Participants will work with a Data Management Plan Tool that can be easily adapted to meet individual needs as well as a series of examples that span the breadth of ecological research projects. The session is designed to be highly interactive and includes brief talks, videos, and panel/audience feedback. Speakers will highlight an array of online resources that point to exemplary plans, best data practices for all phases of the data life cycle (e.g., data acquisition, quality assurance/quality control, data exploration, analysis, visualization, preservation, and sharing), and additional instructional materials and resources that will enable participants in developing their own data management plans.