Wednesday, August 8, 2012: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
B114, Oregon Convention Center
W. Stanley Harpole
Eric M. Lind
Elizabeth T. Borer
This ESA Special Session will explore a range of approaches to conducting large-scale ecology, representing regional to global efforts with the objective to create opportunities for synthesis and collaboration. Preserving and enhancing the Earth’s life-support systems requires a new, global-scale, approach to ecological research, which bridges disciplines not only within the sciences but also includes the humanities. A panel of 8-12 members will be made up of ecologists and biogeochemists representing different established ecological networks, science historians and philosophers and other experts will provide brief background and perspective. Following a short presentation of the challenge—global environmental challenges require global-scale ecological science—we will facilitate dialog with interested audience members to focus on challenges and ideas for solutions to understanding the ecology of our planet, Earth. We are particularly interested in exploring creative solutions that will enhance complementary, integrative and synthetic research and education efforts towards conducting planet-scale ecology that address contemporary and anticipated global environmental issues.