Tuesday, August 7, 2012: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Portland Blrm 252, Oregon Convention Center
Melissa J. Armstrong
Samir K. Doshi
Colibrí Sanfiorenzo-Barnhard
Ricardo J. Colón-Rivera
Biological diversity, which is at the heart of the ecology profession, is deeply threatened worldwide. Ecologists clearly recognize this fact as it repeatedly comes through in our research, yet we do not often take action to actually address that the heart of what we study is in peril. As leaders in understanding the dynamics of ecosystems, including social-ecological coupled systems such as urban environments, our profession can do more to promote ecosystem and human health. For the past two years SEEDS (Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability) students, alumni, and staff have launched several local, national, and international action ecology efforts. Furthermore, we have promoted the methods, philosophy, and meaning of action ecology and the changes needed to support an action ecologist within the profession. Building upon our 2010 and 2011 Revolutionary Ecology symposia and associated efforts, we continue to advocate for action ecology, or ecological research that catalyzes social action to improve environmental conditions and societal welfare. Currently, SEEDS participants and collaborators are examining the holistic role of diversity in action ecology. In an environment of acceptance, the multigenerational, multidisciplined and multicultural nature of action ecology is able to thrive and it is within this environment that we can keep our profession in step with the pace of our changing world and unleash ecology’s potential. It is important for us to understand our roots, where have come from, and where we must go in order to realize the mission of this year’s theme to “preserve, utilize, and sustain our ecosystems,” and by default humanity. We hope to build upon ecology’s strong foundation to prepare a current and future generation of creative and inspired professionals who are able to address the complex environmental challenges of the future, and the countless ramifications for society. Our generation is focused on being participatory and engaged citizens for a better world and using ecological research to make this happen. During this symposium, we will address and clarify three aspects of diversity as it relates to action ecology: 1) the people engaged in research 2) the disciplines involved, and 3) the communication of knowledge. We will examine the role of diversity for ensuring that a robust presence of questions are at the table to keep ecology’s research agenda alive and relevant to the needs of the world, and for taking the ecological knowledge gained through the scientific process into the realm of action.
EHRC Committee, Student Section, Education Section
1:30 PM
SYMP 8-1