Wednesday, August 8, 2012: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
A106, Oregon Convention Center
Jiquan Chen
James A. Freund
In this session, we consider interactions and feedback between society and forests through studies of system dynamics and the relationship between structure and function in diverse forest ecosystems. Concern about the pace and magnitude of current and projected changes in climate and social regimes strengthens interest in anticipating and managing risk and in increasing options for the future. Studying relationships between structure, composition, and function accelerates identification of critical feedback, interactions, and boundary conditions. Understanding the influence of structure and composition on function is a necessity for enhancing our ability to adaptively manage dynamic forested socio-ecosystems to meet society’s diverse objectives. Managing anthropogenic disturbance within the range of variation characteristic to the system increases the balance between economic and ecologic objectives and the likelihood of providing for a broader array of ecosystem services. At the same time, we currently operate outside the bounds of reference conditions for forested ecosystems. Increases in fragmentation, pollutants, invasive organisms, loss of redundancy, and suppression of characteristic dynamics and disturbance radically differentiate historical and contemporary forested systems. As we anticipate tough choices about when and whether to mitigate or adapt to current and projected stressors, we increase our dependence on understanding interactions between structure, composition, and function. This knowledge aids development of management plans and policy flexible enough to better accommodate dynamic socio-ecosystems while rigid enough to support current desired practices. Jerry Franklin has dedicated his life to appreciating, studying, and understanding the dynamics of forested socio-ecosystems; applying ecological principles to resource management; and participating in scientific and policy analyses at local, national, and global levels. Included in this session are a small but representative sample of the numerous students and colleagues fortunate enough to have worked with Jerry in his life-long commitment to forest science, management, policy, and mentoring.