Wednesday, August 8, 2012: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Portland Blrm 252, Oregon Convention Center
Richard G. Smith
Ivette Perfecto
Richard G. Smith
This symposium is a joint effort by the Agroecology and Environmental Justice Sections. The membership of our sections recognizes the fact that agriculture, environmental justice, and the preservation, utilization, and sustainability of the planet’s ecosystems are intricately linked. This symposium will highlight the role that ecology and ecologists must play in current and future agricultural decision making and practice. Leading researchers from the agroecology and socio-environmental science fields will present a compelling case for why ecologists MUST engage in agricultural issues both domestically and internationally if the goals of preserving and sustaining the world’s ecosystems are to be realized. The symposium will feature state-of-the-discipline research covering the major “agricultural biomes” of the world, including the US Corn Belt and the agriculturally diverse Northeast, Southeast Africa, and the coffee producing regions of Central America. Talks will be 30 minutes in length. The culmination of the symposium will be a roundtable discussion involving the presenters and the audience as we attempt to reach a consensus on the most effective strategies for increasing the engagement of the broader ecological community in agricultural and environmental justice issues. We anticipate that these strategies will then be articulated in a review article to be submitted to Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. The symposium will be accompanied by other events that integrate ecology and agriculture being planned by the Environmental Justice and Agroecology sections (an urban food workshop, a field trip to a local garden project in Portland, and an Agroecology Section information and recruitment booth).
Human Ecology, Applied Ecology, Environmental Justice