Results/Conclusions A total of 6418 specimens representing 32 species in nine families were captured from the six streams. The most common species were Phoxinus lagowskii with frequencies of occurrence of 55.13%. The results showed that the water quality decreased with the increase of human disturbance for six streams. Cluster results based on the fish assemblage showed that two lower streams with severe human disturbance were different from the other streams. Meanwhile, the fish diversity and trophic structure complexity were also lower quietly in NS & BS because of the poor water quality. Herbivore fish was not appeared in NS & BS due to the worse riparian vegetation conditions found in the survey. Canonical Correspondence Analysis found out that TDS, TN, SS and DO were the important water parameters influencing the fish spatial distribution. TDS and TN were the main parameters affecting the fish spatial distribution, and represented human disturbance, such as urbanization and agriculture. In conclusion, six streams showed the different fish assemblage structure with different human disturbance, so the fish protective measures should be drawn up according to different stream characteristics, and the nitrogen pollution should be pay close attention to the streams with severe human disturbance.